Western Monarch Numbers WAY Down 🦋😢

What happened to all the Monarchs on the California Coast?

Good Sunday RAISEr,

unfortunately, it’s not a good weekend for western monarchs overwintering in California. Their estimated population is the second-lowest recorded since 1997 at just 9k butterflies, counted across multiple overwintering grounds along the west coast. This is a sharp decline from the past 3 years, when there had been over 200k monarchs.

Xerces Society, a non-profit that supports western monarchs, blames pesticides, habitat loss, and severe weather events brought on by climate change. It’s also reported that the recent Los Angeles county wildfires burned some of the tree groves where monarchs overwinter.

How Can you Help Save Monarchs in 2025?

If you receive this newsletter, it’s because you want tips and info about how to raise healthy butterflies.

However, there is more you can do to save butterflies in 2025, and it’s outlined in this free guide:

Coming Up?

Next time I’ll be back to discuss some of our top raising tips to remember (or implement) for the upcoming season. 🤔 Until then…

Blue Skies and Butterflies,

Tony your butterfly Guide 🦋 🦋 🦋